The Spirit of Jazz
Where Music Dances with Mystery - with co-hosts Bill Carter and Jeff Kellam
The Spirit of Jazz
Ho Ho Ho 2023
Presbybop Music
Season 2
Episode 30
In this special Christmas episode, Jeff Kellam tracks down Bill Carter on the Presbybop Quintet International Tour of New England. You will get a behind-the-scenes introduction to the music and good humor of a working jazz group. The band was performing holiday music to enthusiastic audiences, and clips of rehearsal and performance music fill the podcast.
We are grateful to the following venues:
- Family Promise of Greater Concord, NH
- Wolfeboro Friends of Music, Wolfeboro, NH
- The First Baptist Church in America, Providence, RI
- Schorr Family Firehouse Stage, Johnson City, NY
All music in the public domain, arranged and performed live by the Presbybop Quintet.
Music clips include:
- "Angels We Have Heard on High"
- "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"
- "I Wonder as I Wander"
- "What Child Is This"
- "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"
(c) Presbybop Music
Theme music: "All Thumbs" from Faith in a New Key, Bill Carter and the Presbybop Quartet
Music used by permission from Presbybop Music (BMI)
Announcer: Chris Norton
(c) Presbybop Music